Portable Climate Control Is Vital for Restoring Your Building
Portable HVAC systems are crucial for maintaining a building under restoration. While a professional restoration team from URI inspects your HVAC system after a fire or other disaster, you can use temporary equipment to make the recovery process as smooth as possible. Portable heating and air conditioning let you restore your building to a reasonable temperature until your property’s regular functions resume.
Prevent Further Property Losses
Temporary heat solutions can prevent low temperatures from damaging your property. After initial damage, freezing temperatures can lead to burst pipes and cyclic freezing. When water freezes, its molecules expand and the pressure in your pipes grows. Once the pressure becomes too much for your pipes, it causes them to burst. Cyclic freezing is when water seeps into materials such as concrete and brick. As the water freezes and thaws, it expands and contracts, which causes cracks and other damage.
Continue Business Operations
Climate control helps your business resume normal operations, but restoring HVAC systems after a flood or fire can take more time than you expect. Some businesses rely on technology sensitive to extreme temperatures. Temporary air conditioning solutions can keep computer data centers and other business tools safe.
Speed Up Building Restoration
Temporary climate control makes restoring your building safer and more comfortable for the team taking care of any damage. Portable air conditioners take in moist air and release cool, dry air into your building. Additional units for dehumidification and drying help remove moisture from your business as fast as possible. When you have access to rental units while clearing your HVAC system after a fire or flood, restoration can continue without pause.
Protect Valuables and Inventory
Technology is just one of the many assets that emergency HVAC units can protect. Food products, paper and even live animals are sensitive to temperature and humidity. Some of these losses may seem small, but damaged HVAC equipment stops regulating every aspect of your business. Losing inventory and other materials can be expensive, especially when you’re already managing the aftermath of a disaster.
Promote a Safe Environment
If you own a business, you know the importance of workplace safety, especially when more hazards may be present than usual. Portable HVAC units quell some of those risks, such as frostbite, heatstroke, mold and mildew. An HVAC system can help you promote a safe environment in several ways, including drying out a furnace after a fire. Renting HVAC units with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters has extra benefits. Keep yourself and your employees safe by restoring your business properly with temporary heat and air conditioning units from URI.
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