
Specialty Containment – Infection Prevention & Control

Greater Philadelphia Area

Background – What is Infection Prevention & Control?

Infection Prevention & Control services involve implementing measures to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases and ensure compliance with infection control standards and regulations. While the terminology stems from the Healthcare community, many concepts and processes can be applied to achieve maximum protection and prevention in other sensitive spaces like food safe manufacturing plants, labs and occupied spaces that remain operational during an invasive project. Key components of Infection Prevention & Control include:

Risk Assessment: The first step in infection prevention and control services is to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of the facility. This involves identifying potential sources of contamination or infection, assessing their severity, and determining the appropriate control measures to mitigate the risk of transmission.

Cleaning and Disinfection: URI implements thorough cleaning and disinfection protocols to remove pathogens from surfaces and prevent their spread within the facility. This includes the use of EPA-approved disinfectants and specialized cleaning techniques to target high-touch surfaces and areas with a high risk of contamination.

Containment Services: URI installs, maintains, and monitors project barriers; establishes and maintains negative pressure; and ensures ICRA and interim life safety compliance. Third party inspection services are also available to supplement any existing containment resources.

Indoor Air Quality Management: URI offers services to improve indoor air quality within facilities, which can help reduce the transmission of airborne pathogens. This may include HVAC system cleaning, filtration upgrades, and ventilation improvements to enhance air circulation and filtration.

Recent Infection Prevention & Control Project

Building Type: Coffee Manufacturing Plant

Location: Philadelphia Suburbs

Situation: Unlimited Restoration, Inc. | URI was called in to assist a partner that was working on a plumbing repair deep under the foundation of a coffee manufacturing plant in the Greater Philadelphia area.

Response by Unlimited Restoration

For this particular project, the building of specialty containment was the main implementation from an Infection Prevention & Control perspective. Check out the containment installations by URI below:

Learn more about specialty containment from a recent URI blog post here.


URI is proud to support our clients and partners with Infection Prevention & Control Services. From Specialty Containment to Cleaning and Disinfection, We’re On It! Call us today to speak to a member of our team of commercial restoration professionals: 888.327.9664.

Contact Unlimited Restoration, Inc. for any of your preventative maintenance or disaster response needs.

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