When Disaster Strikes: Tips on How to Prepare For a Natural Disaster & Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

Sometimes we expect it, other times we’re caught off guard.

Natural disasters can strike at any time and any place. But what if you’re somewhere foreign to the confines of your home?

We spend a lot of time at the workplace. It’s logical to be just as prepared with your employees as you would be with family.

When disaster strikes and damages equipment it can bring your business to a halt. Read on for tips on how to prepare for a natural disaster without experiencing major setbacks for your company.

Review Your Emergency Action Plan

Every business needs an emergency action plan. This should be an outlined guide on what steps to take during a natural disaster. Keep this accessible to employees at all times both digitally and as a hardcopy.

This isn’t limited to a specific type of disaster scenario and should have versions or modifications as needed. For example, the precautions taken for a fire would significantly differ in the event of flooding.

We all know how to stop, drop, and roll or get to higher ground. Regardless, an emergency action plan should be frequently reviewed with employees both orally and simulated. At least once per year.

Additionally, a P.R.E.P. (Priority Response Emergency Plan) is beneficial for ensuring your business and employees receive the most immediate assistance possible. We offer free evaluations and our team of professionals can tailor a plan to keep your company running smoothly after a disaster.

Assign Responsibilities

Natural disasters can be anticipated or sporadic. Many time emotions run high and can cause distorted thinking.

Where are the supplies? What’s the current headcount? Who’s calling 911?

A strategic way of preparing for disaster in the workplace is to assign responsibilities. This helps streamline an emergency action plan to run efficiently. Have employees volunteer for tasks and make sure everyone is comfortable with their assigned duty.

While people may have a specific responsibility, ensure everyone’s familiar with all processes in the event someone’s absent or unable to fulfill a designated task.

Keep Supplies Handy

Are you prepared if a natural disaster forces you to stay inside your company’s building for several days?

Supply kits should have more than one day’s worth of items. It’s always better to over prepare than under prepare. The essential supplies include food, water, first aid kit, a radio, and flashlights.

Make sure all emergency food is non-perishable. It should require little to no preparation or cooking and not need refrigeration.

Also, keep extra batteries and phone chargers. If the power goes out a portable radio should still get a signal. Make sure you know the proper emergency stations for your location.

Backup Everything

When disaster strikes it’s easy to worry about personal belongings or equipment loss, but just about everything can be replaced.

Of course, your business has important files and documents that can’t afford to be ruined. Be proactive by backing up all of this information. Store your documents under the assumption you could potentially lose them all.

Keep copies on location elsewhere and scan documents to upload to a digital cloud service. It’s crucial to still be able to access everything if your employees need to work remotely for the time being.

Fortunately, if files do end up ruined, our Document Recovery Services can gladly assist.

Understanding How To Prepare For a Natural Disaster

Ultimately, safety always comes first.

You can easily replace damaged equipment or move to a new location, but you can’t replace a human life. Use good judgment when reacting to a natural disaster and avoid putting yourself or employees in further danger.

Do you have questions about how to prepare for a natural disaster or are interested in enhancing your company’s emergency training? Contact us to learn more about how we can assist!


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